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FNP V: The Nova Scotia Liquor Coalition (NSLC)

The title says it all, the name and the theme of the fifth incarnation of the Feelin' No Pain pub crawl have been decided. It's still scheduled to take place on the 27 April 2002 (Saturday). Times and bars are still up in the air, so feel free to suggest some in the comments.

You can sign up for this crawl here, and see who else has signed up here.

Also, St. Patrick's Day is coming up soon. There's a thread over on the forums discussing that.

Proposed bar list:

1700h - 1830h Your Father's Moustache (Eatin' Bar)
1830h - 2000h Planet Pool (Fun bar)
2000h - 2130h Maxwell's Plum (Eatin' bar)
2130h - 2230h The Seahorse (Drinkin' bar)
2230h - 0000h Mercury (Dancin' bar)
0000h - 0200h Merrill's (Dancin' bar)
After Merrill's...who knows?

Sample shirt:
Shirts shouldn't cost more than $16 or so, depending on how many people sign up. The shirts are going to say "Helping Nova Scotians battle sobriety since 1998" and the logo is going to be bastardized :)

Originally posted on Friday, 2002-03-01 at 23:11:45.