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It's about time for a pub crawl...

September means "Back to School" for many, and along with that comes a return to a lifestyle of hours at the library studying, bad meals in residence cafeterias, and of course, drinking heavily. I can't help with the first two, but I have the third one covered. It's time to start talking about Feelin' No Pain 6, the 6th (obviously) in a line of pub crawls that include such hallowed events as The Survivor Crawl and The Nova Scotia Liquor Coalition.

Click the link to see some ideas that are brewing for the latest installment.

First of all, these are just ideas; none of them are carved in stone, and they're all subject to change. Feel free to submit your own ideas for anything: which bars to visit, a date for the crawl itself, theme & shirt ideas, etc.
  • Priming the engine. I was thinking of starting off somewhere that would bring the people out early. Too many crawls start off slow because people don't show up until the third bar. I envision a night starting off with a brewery tour. At first I was thinking Garrison, but they are a little far from downtown. Propeller, however, is much closer. I haven't called them yet, but if they're the same as Garrison, it should be something like $15 for all you can drink in 2 hours.
  • University students. What's a pub crawl without students? Many of you probably know a boatload of students that are coming back to school. Tell them about the crawl. The more people we can get on board, the better. More people = bigger party, cheaper shirts, and better deals at the bars.
  • Themes. Good themes include things taken or parodied from popular culture. Take a current or popular movie, tv show, etc, and change it to somehow relate to alcohol :)
  • Feel free to discuss things pertaining to the crawl in the comments of this story, and in the forums. Make your suggesting in either of those places, or send me an email or a private message. All suggestions will be taken into consideration. Unless, of course, they're stupid.

    Originally posted on Tuesday, 2002-09-03 at 10:42:31.