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Maternity Leave (Fucking CTV)

Fucking CTV. Why would you change the time of the best show that you have on your fucking station? Why would you force me to find out about this change in time by accident? If it weren't for getting my television shows from the internet, I would be that much more pissed off at you.

Anyway, Maternity Leave. This show gave us a shit ton of insight into some long-running questions like "What happened to Claire when she was kidnapped by Ethan?" "Was Ethan affiliated with the Zeke and the guys on the boat?" "Is Rousseau's daughter Alex still with the Others?" Tremendous.

Edit - This article also has the prestigous honour of being article #1000 on Neat.

Because of fucking CTV, I missed the first 15 minutes of this episode, but from what I understand, it just set the stage for what was to come, and wasn't extremely critical. The important things to note is that Aaron (Claire's baby) gets sick, and Claire starts to remember things that happened to her when she was kidnapped.

As she starts to remember, we experience the memories as flashbacks -- the first flashbacks we've yet seen that actually occur on the island. Rousseau shows up and Kate comes along, and the show basically turns into a big celebration of girl power. Which is fine, because they're hot. Claire remembers that before she got on the plane (or maybe she just thought it was then, because she was pretty drugged up), ETHAN injected her with some 'medicine' for her baby. She also has some rapid-fire flashbacks showing that they injected her (and baby) with some sort of shit (looking suspiciously like the stuff that Desmond injected himself with in the season premiere), and she thinks that finding out just what that is might be a good thing. Also, is it just me, or is Libby getting hotter?

Kate, Claire and Rousseau take off to find Claire's elusive 'medicine', and as they walk, Claire remembers more and more and eventually remembers where the entrance is to A NEW DHARMA HATCH!!! This one has the familiar octagonal logo, only with the medicinal symbol on there.

The best thing though, is that we find out that Zeke and his rag-tag band of Others are really just normal people with fake beards and Relic hats. It's also interesting to note that all the planes on the mobile of airplanes above the baby's crib were from Oceanic Airlines.

Questions for the next episode: Why was the Dharma Medical hatch abandoned? Was it just me, or was the guy in the vault in the hatch REALLY fucking with Locke? He's trying the ol', "You're not going to let that other guy boss you around" ploy to try to turn Jack and Locke against each other...something they probably would have done on their own if it weren't for Sawyer stealing the guns. How the fuck did Eko know about the prisoner in the hatch? Dharma hatches: 3 down, 3 to go.

This show really got me excited again about the mythos of Lost. We just need another show about the black smoke and it'll all be back on track.

Originally posted on Thursday, 2006-03-02 at 10:29:46.