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Moderation of comments

I'm working on a way for users to be randomly given the ability to moderate comments. This may take a while because the more I tinker with it, the more I find that this software is held together very tenuously with strands of thread :)

What I'd like to see from you guys are suggestions for reasons for moderation, like "funny" or "retarded" or things like that. Suggest both good (+) and bad (-) reasons. I look forward to reading your suggestions.

Current moderation reasons:
  • Asinine (-)
  • Bin Laden (-)
  • Redundant (-)
  • Stupid (-)
  • Offtopic (-)
  • Cool (+)
  • Funny (+)
  • Insightful (+)
  • Interesting (+)
  • Informative (+)
  • Originally posted on Friday, 2001-10-19 at 10:57:04.