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New Photos of the FARK Party and New York

Finally, I am home and I have had a chance to get all the photos I have taken off of my camera and onto my website. I'm not exactly what you would call a photographer, but I have an eye for pictures. Unfortunately, there are some of the pictures from New York where I think the camera caught a moving car and tried to focus on it instead of what I was actually shooting and as a result, the entire picture is kind of blurry. Oh well, it's better than nothing.

Here are links to the FARK Party album and the New York album. Update 21:11 Don't forget about rating the pictures. The rating forumula is specified on the bottom of the Top 10 page. Photos need three votes to make it into the top 10.

Originally posted on Wednesday, 2003-04-02 at 01:07:31.