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Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon

I had my inane movie trivia mettle tested today when I was asked by Keely to see if I couldn't use the 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon theory to connect him to Star Wars. It took me about 10 minutes to come up with something, but keep in mind that I DID NOT USE IMDB! This was all from the trusty block atop my shoulders.

Click below to see how I did it.

Well Star Wars is a broad topic, so I chose one of the principle actors who has done a lot of stuff: Harrison Ford.

1. Harrison was in What Lies Beneath with Michelle Pfieiffer.
2. Michelle starred with Danny DeVito in Batman Returns.
3. DeVito + Christopher Lloyd in the 70's sitcom Taxi.
4. Lloyd co-starred with Michael J. Fox in Back to the Future.
5. Michael J. Fox was in Family Ties with Michael Gross.
6. Michael Gross was in Tremors with Kevin Bacon.

I'm sure it can be done in less steps than 6. Have a go at it, but don't cheat and use the Internet, that's no fun.

Originally posted on Saturday, 2002-01-26 at 20:46:39.