Why McDonalds fries taste so good
Ever wondered why McDonalds seem to have the best fries? Because they're made with meat, that's why. Now who's laughing, vegetarians? "I'd never touch a hamburger, but man, these fries are good." McDonalds has a press release on their website about the whole deal, apologizing to vegetarians and hindus. I don't see the point. Nobody's dead, or even poisoned or anything.Incidentally, I did some digging and found these great narratives on vegetarianism:
1. http://www.xmission.com/~maddox/sponsor.html.
2. http://krinberry.com/parables/vegetarian.html.
3. http://www.petsorfood.com.
Originally posted on Wednesday, 2002-06-05 at 16:03:15.