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Ergonomics Archive 2002

Inspired by some ideas the previous article, I have a similar style question: Obviously all of u...

Updated 3 years ago by Steve Dinn

Want to avoid handing out candy? Archive 2002

Don't feel like lining the pockets of annoying little children with sugar? Want to get out of th...

Updated 3 years ago by Steve Dinn

Jam Master Jay shot and killed Archive 2002

Jam Master Jay, a founding member of the pioneering rap trio Run DMC, was shot and killed at his ...

Updated 3 years ago by Steve Dinn

Remembrance Day Archive 2002

You'll notice that the logo has changed to a Remembrance Day themed one. This is not be...

Updated 3 years ago by Steve Dinn

Digital Vinyl Archive 2002

I'm usually not one to go for the novelty CDRs, but these ones from Verbatim are particularly coo...

Updated 3 years ago by Steve Dinn

What the @#$%! is all this white crap? Archive 2002

So I guess we got some snow. Much snow. Who actually managed to get to work today? I spent hal...

Updated 3 years ago by Steve Dinn

Nothing special Archive 2002

There have been a number of things running around in my head for the last few days, but I haven't...

Updated 3 years ago by Steve Dinn

So, I got drunk on Friday night... Archive 2002

I was at Pitchman's, which I have become convinced is the new JJ's. It's weird because I used to...

Updated 3 years ago by Steve Dinn

Privacy at commercial establishments Archive 2002

I'm in line at my favorite local purveyor of warm, toasty processed meat goodness, $5 at the read...

Updated 3 years ago by Steve Dinn

Sunday shopping from both sides of the coin Archive 2002

Marc wrote something less wordy than, but similar in sentiment to: "Consumers seem to want to sh...

Updated 3 years ago by Steve Dinn

Equilibrium Archive 2002

I saw this movie mentioned on Penny Arcade and I found myself wondering why I'd never heard of it...

Updated 3 years ago by Steve Dinn

Nemesis Archive 2002

I'm probably more psyched to see Star Trek: Nemesis than the average person, or even the average ...

Updated 3 years ago by Steve Dinn

Nemesis Follow-up Archive 2002

After three days of pining, I finally got to see Star Trek: Nemesis. I liked it, which should co...

Updated 3 years ago by Steve Dinn

New Year's Eve Party at Jon & Sharleen's Archive 2002

I'm not sure too many people noticed the small mention down in the Events section, so I thought I...

Updated 3 years ago by Steve Dinn

Happy New Year! Archive 2003

Welcome to 2003. It doesn't really feel any different, does it? And where the hell are the flyin...

Updated 3 years ago by Steve Dinn

Pub Crawls Archive 2003

Late last year, a number of people were asking me when the next pub crawl was going to be. If yo...

Updated 3 years ago by Steve Dinn

Virtual Beer Bash? Archive 2003

What do you all think about attempting a virtual beer bash? Webcams, headphones, Yahoo Messeng...

Updated 3 years ago by Steve Dinn

Smoking in the HRM Archive 2003

As many people know (and relish!) a new bill concerning smoking in public places has come into ef...

Updated 3 years ago by Steve Dinn

Free tickets to see old men play hockey! Archive 2003

First person to post in this article (that wants them) gets two tickets: Oldtimers' Hockey Cha...

Updated 3 years ago by Steve Dinn

Crappy hardware free-for-all Archive 2003

I am giving away a bunch of old hardware that is not necessarily crappy, as the title of this art...

Updated 3 years ago by Steve Dinn