Recently Updated Pages
The only thing worse than software problems...
Are hardware problems. I was very happy to finally get a new, up-to-date machine (2.4 GHz P4) ma...
Somebody's getting a littering ticket
So, I'm standing on Hollis Street, minding my own business when out of nowhere, this truck drives...
Camping trip 2003 redux
Just letting everyone know that the group campsite at Blomidon has been booked for the weekend of...
FNP 7: Crawl updates
Some further information for you crawlin' peeps to dig. The printers tell me the shirts will be ...
I am the champion
They say necessity is the mother of invention, and I guess they were right about that one. Being...
Bacardi Ciclon
Here at, we feel that it is important to provide the viewing public with not only review...
FNP 7: The Matrix Get-Loaded
I know you're all waiting for them with baited breath, so here are the photos. Don't forget the ...
Greekfest 2003
This coming weekend (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday) is the planned date for Greekfest 2003. Exper...
Group wants you to donate your $155 cheque to charity
According to several articles, including this one, a coalition of church groups want you to donat...
Palm Zire 71
At first, I was cheesed off because I had purchased an m515 about a month before the Zire 71 was ...
TABU: Forbidden Fruit
Here is the second review of an alcoholic beverage ever done on I'm not doing Baja Tan...
Ownership of Montreal Grill
The ownership of the Montreal Grill (the restaurant in the basement of the Bank of Montreal build...
Why do I always get the crazy ones?
All I wanted to do was get some groceries. I finish going through the isles and head up to the c...
What's there to do in Halifax in the fall?
Christine writes: "This coming October (I know, it's pretty far away) I will be travelling out e...
Some people are just weird
This actually happened a couple of days ago, but I forgot to mention it on the site. Something t...
At least we have our priorities straight
I thought, I'll test my theory of buying beer on Sunday and go down to the Cold Beer Store on Agr...
Happy Canada Day! wishes Canada a happy 136th birthday. To give people something to comment on, how are...
Low-volume flush toilets are crap!
My dad has just renovated his house. New siding, and a completely new kitchen and bathroom. It ...
Frequent masturbation lessens risk of prostate cancer
From an article at "Scientists in Australia determined that men in their 20s who ejacu...
Tucker Max suit dropped by plaintiff
Tucker Max, internet personality, is generally regarded as an asshole -- he'll even admit it hims...