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Danko Jones - Sound of Love

I figure that as long as I come out with the MP3 of the month before the month is actually *over*, then it's all good, right? :) Yeah, I had a hard time deciding what I was going to put up this month, but I eventually decided on the latest single from a guy whom you probably haven't heard of: Danko Jones. I first saw him about 5 years ago at a show in the "Antiques" building on Barrington Street (before they boarded it up) opening for Chixdiggit. I didn't think any person, place, or thing could rival Chixdiggit's live show, but this guy made me think twice about that assumption. He's Rock and Roll to the core, drinking *milk* out of the carton on stage :) If you ever get a chance to see him live, I highly recommend it.

Without further ado, here's the MP3: Danko Jones - Sound of Love

Originally posted on Wednesday, 2002-08-14 at 18:02:06.