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Popularizing the Podcast

Among the many other things I think about during any given day, one of them usually is, "How can I make the Podcast more popular to more people?" Hmmm...that certain is one to wax philosophical about, isn't it? One certain way is to vote for the Podcast on I've actually included a little form over on the right-hand side of the main page that'll be pre-populated with your email address. All you have to do is click the button. If you're worried about being spammed, I wouldn't. I have never recived a spam email as a result of my voting on PodcastAlley.

Another way is to subscribe to the Podcast using iTunes and If you're already subscribed through some other means, you don't have to stop, note that subscription doesn't necessarily mean downloading again. Those two places just use subscription counts or rates to rank their podcasts.

Of course, the best way to popularize just about anything is by word of mouth. Tell your friends about it if you think it's entertaining. Teach them how to subscribe, rather than downloading each episode individually. Introduce them to and how crazy-fucking-easy it is to use. Post on some forums or something. Talk about it.

I was trying to think of a way to have some sort of podcast-promotion contest, but how would I decide who won? I suppose I could just be subjective. I really have no way of knowing how many more people are listening because of a certain campaign. If you can think of some way that could work, I would love to hear it. I would like to have a real contest, where people could win something $30 or something.

Originally posted on Tuesday, 2005-07-26 at 15:41:34.