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Now this is funny.

In a .NET windows forms application, paste this code into one of your windows' code files:

protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
base.OnPaint( e );
this.SpecialSecret( e.Graphics );
public void SpecialSecret(Graphics g)
int maxSize = 4;
int maxFine = 1000;
Brush b = new SolidBrush(Color.Green);
for (double t=-Math.PI;t<Math.PI;t+=Math.PI/maxFine)
double R = (1+Math.Sin(t))*(1+0.9*Math.Cos(8*t))*(1+0.1*Math.Cos(24*t))*this.Width/10;
float x = this.Width/2+(float)(R*Math.Cos(t));
float y = this.Height/2-(float)(R*Math.Sin(t));
g.FillEllipse(b,x,y + 30,maxSize,maxSize);
g.DrawString(" ;)",this.Font,b,this.Width/3*2,this.Height/3*2);

Originally posted on Friday, 2005-03-11 at 19:54:28.