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It's spring, and that means Pub Crawl

The preliminary rounds are over and now we're getting to the meat of this, the 2003 pub crawl season. I believe we've settled on the theme for the seventh incarnation of Feelin' No Pain and it shall be The Matrix. Originally it was thought to be a good idea to try and co-ordinate the crawl with a showing of the movie, but then it was decided that the logistics of such an undertaking would be prohibitively complex. I'm still going to go myself anyway...

T.J. has done his usual masterful work and whipped us up another fantastic t-shirt design, which you can see for yourself by clicking on the link below. The semi-confirmed date is Saturday, May 24th. Click on that link and go sign up.

Here also, is a link to a close up view of what the back will look like. Note that the bar list isn't finalized...those are just on the shirt for a "proof of concept" if you will :)

Update 11 April 2003 08:33: Yes we will still have baby-t's available.

Update 12 April 2003 10:45: Go here to purchase a shirt.

Originally posted on Thursday, 2003-04-10 at 22:46:29.