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What is up with Club 5171?

I do not understand what the owners of Club 5171 (formerly Merrill's) are doing with that once-great bar. It all started when they closed the place for three weeks for renovations...

..And then opened again as the exact same fucking place. Since then, it left its dance bar beginnings and tried having live acts play. That obviously didn't work because they changed the format once again to a latin/salsa dancing theme. Today, I'm reading the Coast to find that Club 5171 is advertising themselves as "The only country bar in the heart of Halifax".

What. The. Fuck.

I don't thik that a bar that can't decide what the fuck it wants to be has any chance to survive (make your time). I'm predicting right now that the brand new bar "The Frigate" located under Pogue Fado in the old Soho Kitchen space does WAY better than Club Fifty-one Seventy-shit.

Originally posted on Friday, 2005-07-15 at 08:31:44.